The Best Youth Camp
in Malaysia Is Back!

A constructive camp that gives your children
all the tools they need to face the Arrival of Dajjal

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Over 40 years of conducting Youth Camps, 2000+ alumni of campers and counting...

This Year's Theme.


noun • /arr·i-​val /əˈrʌɪvl/

Definition: the emergence or appearance of a new entity.

Are Your Children Equipped To Face The Arrival of Dajjal?

The world our sons and daughters are growing up in is vastly different from the one we knew. The challenges they face are often hidden, and the battle for their hearts and minds has never been more intense.

Social media, entertainment, and influencers shape their views and actions, often more than their families do. You may recognize the child you raised, but once they retreat into their screens or personal spaces, they can seem like a completely different person.

From the beginning of time, deviation from Allah’s path has been the goal of Satan. Today, with the power of social media, that influence has grown stronger.

This is why we have chosen the theme Arrival – The Battle Continues for this year’s youth camp. As we prepare for the trials of the Dajjal, we aim to equip our youth and their families with the tools to protect themselves spiritually and mentally.

Our camp’s mission is not to teach fearlessness, but rather to instill a rightful fear—fear of Allah alone, and a reliance on Him in the face of the challenges ahead. The battle may continue, but with Allah’s guidance, we will emerge victorious.

Who should come?

If your goal is for your children to be educated by world renowned Islamic Scholars in accordance with the Quran and Sunnah, this is the place to be.

If your goal is for your children to experience nature and fill their day with physical activities that eventually inshaAllah will build grit and leadership, this is the place to be.

One of our participants from 2013 said "Because of this camp, no matter where I go, no matter what bad I get influenced by, inshaAllah it won't be easy to indulge in my desires because my foundation as a Muslim is strong."

The participant mentioned is 27 this year. If you want your children to have a strong foundation like him, this is definitely the place to be.

Al Khaadem Youth Camp
Throughout The Years

Al Khaadem Youth Camp Throughout The Years


Firdaus, 19

I have never been a fan of outdoor activities until I attended AKYC. I will never ever forget the experiences and valuable lessons that I got from all 7 camps that I attended. The daily tazkirah’s by Sheikh Hussain Yee really made every day more valuable as not only did I have fun but I also learned so much. I will forever cherish the friendships and bonds that were built during the camp. I am so grateful that those relationships are still strong until today. This camp taught me about leadership, critical thinking, decision making and the importance of working as a team. Alhamdulillah, I am very grateful Allah gave me the chance to experience AKYC.


Jazmeen, 21

I've been joining the AKYC ever since I was 10 and it was always the highlight of my year. Every camp I gained different and wonderful experiences. I learned to be more independent. There were so many exciting activities/modules organised by them which includes islamic teachings. The strong bond I had with the volunteers and other participants made it more memorable.


Rahmatunnisa, Mother

Alhamdulillah, were so happy that Allah guided us to put him in AKYC. My son’s experience was definitely impactful and sweet. Since then, he would look forward to upcoming camps. We are so thankful to Sheikh Hussain Yee and the AKYC team for a well organised camp which is holistic in its contents. The “tarbiyyah” displayed was just amazing and activities were just too awesome. We noticed positive changes in him. We hope that he will continue to benefit the goodness imparted by AKYC, insyaAllah.


Abdullah, 22

As a previous participant for two AKYCs, I found it to be really engaging. We always had activities and there was almost never a time when we would be idle. One of the few things that made it really special were the friends you made throughout camp. You could see that everyone was talking to each other like they’d known them for years. I would recommend the youths to join, because the Islamic teachings are well integrated with the activities. Trust me when I say you would probably be asking your parents to send you again for the following year’s AKYC.


Sofeea, 22

AKYC isn’t just about improving yourself: It’s about changing the world around you. My time with my cohort taught me that I can be a valuable resource for others. It exposed me to alot of outdoor activities and how to connect with people and work with them. The advice and teaching from the sheikhs have been inspiring and fun as they do in a fun and interesting way to attract the youth to understand more about life as a Muslim.


Zarina, Mother

As a parent, I decided to send my children to AKYC to learn self determination. I hoped for them to invite and lead people as well as set goals for themselves in good ways. I also hoped for them to learn the proper way of solah under the guidance of Sheikh Hussain Yee. I would highly recommend other parents to send their children because I noticed that my children have started to make better choices in life, like pray early and help others more. I also see that they have better social skills now and are brave to speak in public.

Previous Years Activities

Meet our Coaches

Dato' Sheikh
Hussain Yee

Coach Adli Saad

Coach Dzaki Rosman

Coach Naseem

Coach Seif Sultan

Coach Chey

Coach Ahmed Didi

Coach Harun

Coach Umm Imtiaz

Coach Raowa

Coach Nadrah Umm Yusuff

Coach Farhana

Al Khaadem Youth Camp has been organised since the 1980's by the youth, for the youth. The goal is to instill Islamic values and adab in a fun and holistic way.

While we constantly aim to update the programmes in line with newest developments and issues faced by the Youth, the camp consistently upholds the values and goals outlined in the Qur'an and the teachings of our Prophet Muhammad ﷺ

Over the course of 40+ years, we have had over 2000+ alumnis spanding over 10+ countries and 3 continents.

22ND - 27TH DECEMBER 2024


per participant

RM 1,599

RM 1,399

Early Bird

The Slots Are Fully Taken. See You Next Year, InshaAllah!

Until registration closes

Islamic Environment

International Speakers


How does it work?


Quran and Sunnah.

AKYC works like a normal camp: You send your children for an amazing experience that they will never forget. Except at AKYC, we follow the Quran and Sunnah.


Unleash their full potential.

We have gathered an amazing portfolio of speakers that will guide and instill upon your children the values of being a strong, righteous muslim for now and in the hereafer. Every day is jam packed with activities that enables your children to unleash their full potential physically and every night is filled with knowledge given by world renowned Islamic Scholars. Your children will get a holistic experience throughout the camp.


Nature and Attention.

The camp will be held at Ipoh - a state in Malaysia known for its nature and serenity. This camp has a maximum capacity so each youth has a chance to be focused on. InsyaAllah, your children will thank you for this experience in the future.

Setting Your Child Up To Be The Next Generation Muslim Leader is Your Responsibility.

Do Not Miss The Opportunity.

22ND - 27TH DECEMBER 2024


per participant

RM 1,599

RM 1,399

Early Bird

The Slots Are Fully Taken. See You Next Year, InshaAllah!

Until registration closes

A Short Letter From
Dato’ Sheikh
Hussain Yee

Wassolatuwassalamu 'ala rosulillah,

I am delighted to write a few words about the Al Khaadem Youth Camp. AKYC is a long running youth-orientated initiative. What started out as a small scale impromptu outing in the 80’s evolved into a full scale youth camp complete with learning materials, complex coordination of activities and international level participants.

One of the main reasons Al Khaadem is consistently organising these camps is because the youth, as always but especially now in 2024 are DESPERATE FOR FUN.

Our youth are constantly bombarded with false representations of ‘fun’. Be it in TV, Netflix, TikTok, social media, online games and even peer groups, the concept of ‘fun’ is often referred to as activities that are not permissible in our beautiful religion.

Our mission is to expose the youth to true fun. We are committed to creating an environment where the youth are exposed to life skills, outdoor activities, leadership and a strong foundation of cultural understanding. Our goal is to nurture courage and independence in the youth while also giving a sense of direction and worth as a Muslim.

While holding fast to the rope of the Sunnah, every year we seek to modernise our approach and programmes to ensure suitable relevance with modern challenges and technologies to assist our campers in reaching their full potential both here and in the hereafter.

We believe that this noble effort will contribute positively towards the development of an exemplary youth community. Thank you all, parents and guardians for your kind support in entrusting your children to Al Khaadem Youth Camp. We wish all our participants an enlightening and enjoyable camp, insyaAllah.

Your questions, answered.

Participants will only have to bring their QR CODE for registration.

AKYC aims to educate the youth to prioritise the Deen and differentiate right from wrong through the lens of Islam, hence arming them with the correct knowledge to shield them on the Day of Judgment.

We also promote a balance of fun outdoor activities such as river trekking, survival, tele-matches, treasure hunt, explorace as well as engaging in edifying discussions.

They are encouraged to reflect on the part they each play throughout the day in order to extract lessons from life. The objectives of these activities are to educate the youths on the importance of leadership, teamwork, and to promote creative thinking, developing the ideal Muslim youths for a better future, inshaAllah.

There will be separate accommodation for Male and Female participants. The participants will be sleeping in a campus type room. Each block is also equipped with toilet and shower.

The organizers require that all participants adhere to safety guidelines during all activities carried out throughout the camp. Experienced trainers and marshals will be present for close supervision.

The camp is conducted by FOQUS AKY Sdn Bhd who have years of experience in handling camps and events for Al Khaadem. Experienced trainers and instructors will be present as well.

The parents may contact the admin in charge whose numbers is provided below. However, this is highly discouraged, except in cases of emergency.

The Arrival is sooner than you think.